Är du nyfiken på eller rentav redan utövar yoga samt meditation?
Jag håller i morgonyogaklasser tisdagar och torsdagar med start juni månad, främst i parken vid näckrosdammen (ovanför korsvägen).
Lugna, långsamma rörelser synkroniserat med andning samt medvetenhet över kroppen är fokus i yogan.
Efter yogan håller jag en guidad avslappning samt meditation och avslutningsvis blir det diskussionsstund i mån av tid.
Tisdagar: 07:30 – 08:30
Torsdagar: 07:30 – 08:30
Här är en länk till facebookeventet, med dagliga uppdateringar (och eventuella inställda pass) där du gärna får anmäla ditt intresse: Gratis yoga & meditation
Meditation. It seems like such a simple word, but it has the power to chgnae your life, attitude and priorities. There are times when I sit down to meditate and my puppy mind starts to wander. It’s amazing the things your mind will come up with to keep you from being quiet and restful. All the errands that need to be run, all the things that need attending to .. I breathe and concentrate on my breath and tell my mind to take a break. I breathe and breathe in and out and then THERE IT IS. The colors I see when I close my eyes and get in the zone of wonderful glorious breath. As I breathe the colors deepen and my body starts to calm and disappear. And just for that 15 or 20 minutes (sometimes even 10) I am at one with everything. I’m calm and tuned in to me and my connection to this universe and beyond. As I come back into myself my breath steady, my heart beat in time with life, I open my eyes and its as if I am seeing the world in technicolor. I notice things I didn’t before my practice, and for a few hours afterward I see the world as a kinder, gentler place. Because for a few hours I am a kinder and gentler being. Namaste’