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Denna lista är tagen från en studie som undersökt i vilken mån lärare på grundskolor i England är insatta om hjärnan. Samtliga lärare som utfrågades hade uttryckt ett intresse för neurovetenskapen kring lärandeprocessen och syftet med studien var att se i vilken grad dessa lärare trodde på myter snarare än fakta.
Se om du själv klarar av att hitta alla de korrekta svaren, studien i sin helhet är länkad i botten av artikeln om du vill läsa motiveringarna till påståendena (vad de anser vara ”rätt” är definitivt diskuterbart i vissa fall)
- We use our brains 24h a day
- Children must acquire their native language before a second language is learned. If they do not do so neither language will be fully acquired
- Boys have bigger brains than girls
- If pupils do not drink sufficient amounts of water (=6–8 glasses a day) their brains shrink
- It has been scientifically proven that fatty acid supplements (omega-3 and omega-6) have a positive effect on academic achievement
- When a brain region is damaged other parts of the brain can take up its function
- We only use 10% of our brain
- The left and right hemisphere of the brain always work together
- Differences in hemispheric dominance (left brain, right brain) can help explain individual differences amongst learners
- The brains of boys and girls develop at the same rate
- Brain development has finished by the time children reach secondary school
- There are critical periods in childhood after which certain things can no longer be learned
- Information is stored in the brain in a network of cells distributed throughout the brain.
- Learning is not due to the addition of new cells to the brain
- Individuals learn better when they receive information in their preferred learning style (e.g.,auditory, visual, kinesthetic)
- Learning occurs through modification of the brains’ neural connections
- Academic achievement can be affected by skipping breakfast
- Normal development of the human brain involves the birth and death of brain cells
- Mental capacity is hereditary and cannot be changed by the environment or experience
- Vigorous exercise can improve mental function
- Environments that are rich in stimulus improve the brains of pre-school children
- Children are less attentive after consuming sugary drinks and/or snacks
- Circadian rhythms (“body-clock”) shift during adolescence, causing pupils to be tired during the first lessons of the school day
- Regular drinking of caffeinated drinks reduces alertness
- Exercises that rehearse co-ordination of motor-perception skills can improve literacy skills
- Extended rehearsal of some mental processes can change the shape and structure of some parts of the brain
- Individual learners show preferences for the mode in which they receive information (e.g.,visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
- Learning problems associated with developmental differences in brain function cannot be remediated by education
- Production of new connections in the brain can continue into old age
- Short bouts of co-ordination exercises can improve integration of left and right hemispheric brain function
- There are sensitive periods in childhood when it’s easier to learn things
- When we sleep, the brain shuts down
1. rätt 2. fel 3. rätt 4. fel 5. fel 6. rätt 7. fel 8. rätt 9. fel 10. fel 11. fel 12. fel 13. rätt 14. rätt (se ”neural pruning”) 15. fel 16. rätt 17. rätt 18. rätt. 19. fel 20. rätt 21. fel 22. fel 23. rätt 24. rätt 25. fel 26. rätt 27. rätt 28. fel 29. rätt 30. fel 31. rätt 32.
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Källa: Neuromyths in Education: Prevalence and Predictors of Misconceptions among Teachers